Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Double quotes in TeX

\lq{}\lq\lq\ = \rq\thinspace\rq\rq
\lq\lq\thinspace\lq\ = \rq\rq{}\rq\ = \rq\rq\rq

  tftopl cmr10.tfm
and in see KRN and other stuff for characters '42, '47, '140, '134 to understand why spaces after different types of quotes are the way they are. (\lq\lq and \rq\rq form ligatures)

Run this to understand what those numbers mean:


To understand how tfm files work, do this:

change something in, for example in "(LABEL C v)", then generate new cmr10.tfm, then
use this test.tex:

\showboxbreadth \maxdimen
\showboxdepth \maxdimen

and see log file to check how those change worked


* Is empty control sequence (\csname\endcsname) of any practical use at all? (see example about empty control sequence in
* For what reason \lowercase{} and \uppercase{} is done a savoir in stomach and not in mouth?

Friday, January 23, 2015

Number of days in month

Number of days in current month:
date -d "$(date +%Y-%m)-01 -1 day +1 month" +%d
Number of days in any year and month:
date -d "$YEAR-$MONTH-01 -1 day +1 month" +%d